Wednesday, February 29, 2012

About how much dose it cost to get everything you need for a hermit crab?

about how much dose it cost to get everything you need for a 2 hermit crabs i need a 10 gallon tank 2 hermit crabs a heat pad 3 dishes sand and a coconut shack thats what we are getting to start out with latter we will get more stuff we all ready have food


p.s. could you type the cost for each one ohh yeah we are getting 2 small hermit crabsAbout how much dose it cost to get everything you need for a hermit crab?
The tank will cost you from $5-40. Don't forget to buy the lid. When I bought a 2 gallon tank for my fish, the lid cost about the same as the tank itself!

For the dishes, has 2 dishes for $4.59, if that gives you an idea. One dish ranges from $2-5 I think.鈥?/a>

For the coconut shack, they are $1-5. You can buy one from my site - the Amazon list - and it's only $1.90!

Buy some playsand from your hardware store - it will be about $5.

But some coconut fiber from a petstore - $3-6

Your substrate should be a few inches deep.

Heating pad - Make sure you get one for a 10 gallon tank. If you can only find 1-5 gallon heaters, then I think you should buy 2. I don't really know for sure, because I've never used a heater. The small heaters are $10-20 each.

Hermit crabs - $4-8 in my experience at Petco. Don't buy the "fancy" crabs, because they are in painted shells. Buy ACTIVE crabs that look healthy. Make sure they are not covered in mites!

**** Altogether it's ABOUT $50 - $100 ****

My tips:

+ Make your own dishes from household products like lids, plastic containers, Legos, large sea shells, plates, etc.

+ Keep your eye out for yard sales. Sometimes they want to gid rid of ALL of their fish or reptile supplies. So that will get you tanks, plastic plants, huts, dishes, etc. For $5 I got a 10 gallon tank with a dish and a hut!


+ You may not need a heater if you live in a warm climate. Also put your tank in the highest room of the house (heat rises), near the kitchen or fireplace if it needs help with warmth.

Hope I helped again!

Also, make sure you have a thermometer and hygrometer. You might also want a "mat stat" thermostat to keep a constant temperature. Don't forget to provide a salt water bathing pool - you'll need proper marine salt for that.

Read as much as you can on the web, they need the right environment.About how much dose it cost to get everything you need for a hermit crab?
i got my brother 2 hermit crabs. with buying the bare minimum it was an easy 50 bucks. plus you gotta buy sponges for the water bowls. alot of sand/rocks. dehydrated fruits. it gets VERy expensive.
you dont have to buy all that all you need for tow hurmit crabs is a starter kit witch you can get at any store that sells them it will prbabaly coast about $25.00

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