Saturday, March 3, 2012

Is my cage ok for my hermit crab?

I have been really wanting to get a hermit crab lately, and I finally did today. I had one when I was younger but I barely remember what the cage looked like. Anyways, I have this cage that's plastic with little sliding gates that allow the hermit crab to breathe, along with a top cover. It's called The Little Shack Crab. I was wondering if that's a safe environment for my hermit crab and if not, what I should get and how expensive it will be. Also, I know a lot of people have been saying to buy something that gets rid of the chlorine in the tap water to give to your hermit crab, but can't I just let some tap water sit out overnight? Also, is it completely necessary to have a salt AND regular water bowls. Thanks!Is my cage ok for my hermit crab?
A 10 gallon aquarium is the best starter crabitat - nothing smaller is really ideal. Having a glass aquarium helps retain both heat and humidity, which are vitally important to a crab's health. It's also a wise idea to have a heavy and/or secure lid, as hermit crabs can be quite the escape artists; the lid should be solid, or covered with plastic wrap (remember to allow some air flow) - this will also help retain heat and humidity.

After placing all the necessary items in the crabitat, you can then determine how many crabs will be able to live comfortably together. Hermit crabs are social creatures and benefit from the presence of other crabs, which is why it's important to have more than one. Crabs living alone tend to be stressed.

Yes, you should provide both fresh (dechlorinated) and salt (aquarium grade marine salt) water in bowls large/deep enough for the crabs to get water into their shells. Hermit crabs keep a reserve of water in their shells and need to regulate its salinity, which is why they need access to both. You can place extra shells and/or rocks into the bowls to provide a way out and prevent drowning. Although Purple Pinchers do not necessarily need to have access to salt water as much as other species, it's not fair to deprive them of such an essential thing. You should have a dechlorinator; setting out tap water will not necessarily get rid of the harmful chemicals in the water.

I suggest doing some more research on hermit crabs/their care - one website I highly recommend is the Hermit Crab Association Forum.
The cage you described is fine.

Using tap water is fine, just let it stand for 24 hours before you use it.

Make sure you have the correct level of water in the cage. Too much or too little can be really bad for the guys.

Clean the cage every 4 days or soIs my cage ok for my hermit crab?
i have a bunch of hermit crabs so, from experience, u should need a shallow bowl of water big enough for it to get into, a small sponge to put in the water bowl ( u can cut a corner off a house hold spong if it has no soap on it), and for the water i always just use bottled water and they seem to be fine! :)

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