Monday, March 12, 2012

You're beautiful, why are you dating him?

It was my boyfriends moms 40th birthday yesterday. She was celebrating it at a crab shack we have here in town. Everyone was drinking alcohol and getting wasted. You ever heard the phrase "a drunken mind speaks a sober heart" well I think that will come in handy.

So my boyfriend and I are sitting down talking and this 30 some odd year old lady comes up to us and is talking to my boyfriend, they are arguing about something and my boyfriend is being a smart ***..

She says, "Andrew, you are such a smart ***, why?"

Looks at me and says, "and you, you're so beautiful, why are you dating someone like him?"

what do you say to that? I just plainly looked at her dumb founded, with no response.. I wasn't sure what to say to that.

My boyfriend was so pissed then that he yelled at her and told her to go away, and then I got upset and was like.. okay its time to leave now.You're beautiful, why are you dating him?
Hi Kids,

It sounds as though you handled the situation about right. Most times when someone says something to you that you find inappropriate the best response is no response. As you noted, the situation was probably fueled by alcohol and the woman was probably just teasing both of you. I'd focus on more important issues such as alcohol abuse and any underlying issues you have about the suitability of your bf. Regards.You're beautiful, why are you dating him?
this lady sounds like a drama queen and a *****. You did good by just giving her the dumb look (Its a favorite of mine) and leaving.

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